Saturday, November 17, 2012

2-4 Novemebr Yoga Weekend At Salvey Mühle

 7 Questions:

Your Yoga Weekend at Salvey Mühle
Asked and Answered

Three words that sum up your yoga weekend at the Salvey Mühle:
Tough, Gratifying, Empowering
Ruhe, Entspannung, Friede
Restorative, Reflective, Bliss
Yoga, Nature, Sleep
Relaxing, Joyful, Cosy
Eat, Sleep, Yoga
Stop, Land, Breathe
What was your highlight from the weekend?
Feeling confident during sun salutations!
Morning classes and meditations
Wieder zu mir selber zu kommen
Hatha Yoga practice on Saturday
The nice atmosphere of the place during the weekend
Being taught finally by erinbell with her mixture of humor and wisdom. Getting back to do massage on such open receptive people
Apple picking!!!!
What was your favorite meal?
Möhrensalat, Broccolisalat, Rote Beete Salat
Just EVERYTHING – really!
The salad containing broccoli and lemon
Pumkin Soup
What was your favorite yoga or meditation class?
Saturday yin.
Die Kombination aus allem, Meditation, Hata Yoga und Yin Yoga
Oh difficult.... I liked the balance of yin and yang. Needed to sweat but loved getting back in touch with my body with yin
Hatha, the first even more than the second
The alternation of classes was perfect
Hatha Yoga practice on Saturday
What was missing?
An extra dayome funny games during the evening
Some funny games during the evening
I can't think of anything.
One more day

What would you recommend others to bring up with them?
Books to read, fine fabrics like silk and cashmere for cuddling alone.
Eine Wärmflasche
Warm socks
Hot water bottle
A free spirit...and blankets
A journal to write in.
Any other thoughts or photos from the weekend to share?
I loved the apple picking to get a bit of extra nature before we went home.
I'd recommend it to everyone and would be happy to join again.
I always feel so blessed to be a yoga teacher and have the opportunity meet and teach such great people. Thank you all for coming.

Thanky ou for coming.
Thank you for sharing your answers.
Thank you for yogaing, oming, apple picking, laughing, groaning, and being present.
Thank you for being you.

I hope your homework, your 6 minutes a day of meditation or quiet, are serving you well.

Love and peace to you all,

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